ООО «Мега СМ»

ИНН 7735029739, КПП 773501001

Юридический и почтовый адрес: 124482, г.Москва, Зеленоград, корп. 316, пом. 236
Фактический адрес: 124489, г.Москва, Зеленоград, Панфиловский проспект, 10c1

Свидетельство о постановке на налоговый учет (в pdf)
Свидетельство о присвоении ОГРН (в pdf)

Расчетный счет 40702810122000018271 в АКБ «Абсолют Банк» (ПАО), г.Москва
БИК 044525976, кор./счет 30101810500000000976,
ОГРН 1027739878650, ОКПО 52692510, ОКВЭД 73.10, ОКАТО 45272585000
ОКТМО 45377000,  ОКВЭД2 72.19

Тел.: +7-916-681-16-85
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Сайт: epitaxy.ru


ИНН 7735569815, КПП 773501001

Юридический и почтовый адрес: 124482, г.Москва, Зеленоград, корп. 316, пом. 236
Фактический адрес: 124489, г.Москва, Зеленоград, Панфиловский проспект, 10c1
Свидетельство о постановке на налоговый учет (в pdf)
Свидетельство о государственной регистрации (в pdf)

Расчетный счет 40702810922000024504 в АКБ «Абсолют Банк» (ПАО), г. Москва,
БИК 044525976, кор./счет 30101810500000000976,
ОГРН 1107746467091, ОКПО 66802215, ОКВЭД 73.10
ОКТМО 45377000,  ОКВЭД2 72.19, 24.45.9, ОКПД2

Тел.: +7-916-681-16-85
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ООО «Мега Эпитех»

ИНН 4027079630, КПП 402701001

Юридический и фактический адрес: 248033, г. Калуга, 2-й Академический проезд, д.25, этаж 1, офис 3

Свидетельство о постановке на налоговый учет (в pdf)
Свидетельство о присвоении ОГРН  (в pdf)

Расчетный счет 40702810722240105686
БИК 042908612, кор./счет 30101810100000000612,
ОГРН 1074027004061, ОКВЭД 32.10.5

Тел: (4842) 500-591, факс: (4842) 500-593;
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Сайт: epitaxy.ru
ЗАО «НИИ Материаловедения»
АО «Протон»
Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
Университет Лобачевского
АО «Орбита»
Институт физики микроструктур РАН
ООО «Сигм плюс инжиниринг»
ООО «Гирмет»
Физико-технический институт имени А.Ф.Иоффе
ОАО «Фомос-Материалс»
Научно-исследовательский институт полупроводниковых приборов
АО НПП «Исток» им. Шокина»
ОАО «ЦНИИ «Электрон»
OSA Opto Light GmbH
АО "Восход"-КРЛЗ г. Калуга
АО "Оптрон"
АО "НПП "Завод Искра"
ПАО "Тантал"
ЗАО «Кремний-Маркетинг»

"MeGa SM" - gallium and substrates for epitaxy

Panfilovskiy prospect 10, build 1, factory "Stella",
Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124489
Fax: +7-495- 981-81-94
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"MeGa Epitech" - epitaxial wafers for IR and red LED's, heterostructure PCHS for NEA-photocatodes

"Argal" - epitaxial wafers for power electronics devices


3 Akademicheski proezd, 19
Kaluga, Russia, 248033
Phone: +7-484-250-05-91;
Phone/Fax: +7-484-250-05-93
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

November of 2012
We start mass production of p-i-n GaAs structures for power electronics.

May of 2012
Development of heterostructures for 950 nm wavelength emitters under order of West European LED’s manufacturers has been fulfilled.

March of 2012
Development of laboratory growth method for GaAs p-i-n structures manufacturing has been fulfilled. GaAs structures for power electronics p-i-n diodes are delivered to customers

January of 2011
Development of GaAs structures for power electronics p-i-n diodes has been started

July of 2009
LPE growth furnaces of companies Group are consolidated on the production area of “MeGa Epitech” Co Ltd. in Kaluga city.

December of 2008
“MeGa Epitech” Co Ltd. has fulfilled the innovative project “The development of technology and launch of epitaxial heterostructures Ø50 mm for IR range emitters by LPE”. It is the start of the double-double heterostructures for IR range emitters volume production

August of 2008
We start the export shipments of heterostructures to West European LED’s manufacturers

October of 2007
The firm Group area of activity has been divided. “MeGa SM” Co Ltd. focuses its activity on manufacture of semiconductor materials substrates and pure metals and “MeGa Epitech” Co Ltd. focuses its activity on manufacture of GaAlAs heterostructures.

May of 2007
“MeGa Epitech” Co Ltd. has been created. This firm is focused on manufacture of GaAlAs heterostructures by LPE

October of 2004
Volume production of heterostructures for III+ Gen. night vision devices NEA photocathodes has been started. This line of activity has the high priority in production schedule

November of 2001
Heterostructures with 870 nm wave length emission has been put into high volume production. Range of manufactured materials for IR light emitters will be expanding all the time from this moment

May of 2001
Manufacture of heterostructures with emission in the range of 650-660 nm has been started

March of 2000
“MeGa SM” Co Ltd. has been created

The group of companies «Меgа SM» (Moscow) and «Меgа Epitech»&"Argal" (Kaluga) is one of the leading Russian optoelectronic material producers. We are engaged in development and production of emitting and photosensitive AlGaAs heterostructures and p-i-n GaAs structures for power electronics devices by means of liquid phase epitaxy method (LPE).
There are four main challenges of the group of companies:

 AlGaAs wafer production for emitting devices of IR range 680-870nm and red range 650-660nm

 p-i-n GaAs wafer production for power electronics devices.

 processing and high purity gallium recovery both for the needs of epitaxial process itself and for outside customers.

The presented sections of this site contain the brief information on our enterprise and the range of manufactured items.
If you fail to find the materials that may be attractive to you in the catalogue, probably, we’ll be able to make them for you if you place us your order.
To receive more detailed information on the items produced by our company and information on other issues, please, contact us by any means which may be convenient to you.